perm filename KRD.1[AM,DBL] blob sn#449111 filedate 1979-06-14 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
 -- Messages from file: [SUMEX-AIM]<LENAT>MESSAGE.TXT;1
		 -- Thursday, June 14, 1979 12:54:39 --

Mail from MIT-AI rcvd at 9-Jun-79 1746-PDT
Date: 9 June 1979 20:49-EDT
From: Randall Davis <KRD at MIT-AI>
Subject: (Response to message)
To: Lenat at SUMEX-AIM

Marvelous.  I take back all those bad things I was thinking about you
just last ... er never mind....

Anyway, great, and herewith the file naming scheme:

KRD;CHAPT<n> MSS   all on the MIT-AI machine, i= 1 to 9. (9 is the biblio).

They can be ftp'd without having to log in here.  Yes, let's go ahead
with or without vonHagen.  I too expect he will say yes, and in any
case we can always find some pile of gold somewhere.  The first thing
that should get done is one demonstration chapter, which I rashly
promised to one of the mcGH functionaries a while ago.  It's basically
to convince them that we can (a) read their style book and (b) produce
fully formatted stuff (not galleys).

Let me know if you need anymore info re files or anything.  And where
is Eluethera (sp?) anyway?  Will see if I can time a Schl visit to match
